A word on Small Groups...
As a church we put a strong emphasis on Small Groups. We encourage you to look over the small groups listed below and consider joining one. There are several to choose from, hopefully you will find one that looks interesting. If not, consider talking with Pastor Steve and starting a small group of your own. If you would like more information you can always contact the group leader direct.
A Word from Garry & Naomi Donesky...
Our small group has been established for some time now, but we are always open to new members. We "informally" meet each Saturday after church for lunch, usually at a restaurant, and we "formally" meet on the 4th Saturday of each month. Our group is more like family, we get together for birthdays or come together to help when one of us is in need. We would love for you to prayerfully consider joining us.
~ Garry and Naomi
~ Garry and Naomi
A Word from Doug & Pam Jones...(Currently over maximum capacity of 15 (18 members)--but let us know of you're interested-we'll contact you when an opening becomes available!)
We are a group with a focus on fellowship. We get together over a meal either at a home, at the church, or at a local restaurant to discuss what our week was like, and the challenges we each currently face. Please know that on occasion we enjoy discussions on varied topics, including theology and politics and prefer members with an open mind, who can listen, share their opinions, then either agree, or agree to disagree in love. But the primary goal is to get to know each other better and to lift one another up in prayer or to lend a hand if a member is in need. Unlike most of the small groups, we meet spuratically to fit in with our schedules!
~ Doug & Pam
~ Doug & Pam
A Word from Joe & Francine Key...
Our group has a focus on prayer and miracles. If you have a passion to see the miraculous then this is the group for you! We plan to meet monthly on the 4th Saturday of the month after church and would love for you to join us!
~ Joe and Francine
~ Joe and Francine
A Word from Johnson & Hebsi Selvadurai...
We are a new group and would love to meet with others to discuss and learn more about the bible and spend time in prayer on a regular basis. We meet in the Children's Hall, and love to provide home cooked, authentic "Indian Cuisine" for our members each month! Our group meets on the 4th Saturday of every month and would love for you to join us!
~ Johnson and Hebsi
~ Johnson and Hebsi