A word about our Senior Pastor...
Steve Daily is a licensed psychologist and an ordained pastor. He holds an M.A. in history (Loma Linda University), a doctrate in social ethics and biblical studies (Claremont), and a Ph.D. in psychology (USIU-San Diego). He is currently the Senior Pastor of Graceway Community Church a Kingdom Life Fellowship in Riverside, California. He is the Co-Founder of the KEYS Family Resource Center in Orange County and Riverside, California. He has also been a pastor of Celebration Center in Redlands, California for 5 years prior to starting Kingdom Life Fellowship. He served for 20 years as a university chaplain and faculty member at Loma Linda University in Riverside, and has been an adjunct faculty member at Loma Linda University. He is the author of several books listed below, including a highly lauded M.A. Thesis in history at Loma Linda University and Doctoral Dissertation in church history at Claremont. His favorite hobbies include sports, reading, writing, praise music, and traveling. He has been married to his wife, Erlys, for thirty-six years. They have three children, Lindsay – 34, Justin – 27 and Stevanie – 23. His favorite people are those with a passion for Jesus who are radical non-conformists for the kingdom of God.